Stuck in the FRIENDZONE?
You may be asking yourself: “How did I end up here?”
Truth of the matter is, you put her on a pedestal and she makes you nervous which led to you not taking action early.
You feel like she is this hot commodity that you’re chasing, so you don’t want to do anything to mess up your chances (since women of her caliber don’t come around very often).
The biggest misconception is “Maybe if she gets to know me she’ll wanna date me.”
You may be saying to yourself: But I don’t want to come off too strong, I want to ease into it and get to her to know me before telling her my feelings for her and asking her out.
And this the worst thing you can do.
By nature women are attracted to men who take action, who isn’t afraid to ask for what he wants by asserting himself and not fearing the consequences of rejections.
And by waiting and not expressing your feeling early, you are asking to be put into the friendzone.
Even if the girl was interested in you initially, she would have lost her interest in you the longer you hold out.
Once you’re in the friendzone, it’s nearly impossible to get out of it.
So gentlemen, stop putting the women you like on a pedestal, no more idealizing her. She’s a human just like you and me.
Take action today.